Hi, I’m Daniel.

My mission is to help you gain clarity on the way forward, confidence in your decisions, and control over the actions you choose to pursue and the results you get towards generating growth to dramatically improve your odds of success. 

My journey in helping leadership teams gain clarity, confidence, and control over the design and execution of their strategies began back in 2016 thanks to discovering the world of strategy design, leadership development, and design thinking. Having personally experienced all the benefits that facilitating strategy and planning sessions had on my team’s performance, what began as an exploration to help my own team turned into a passionate pursuit of the best ways to combine different elements into a compelling package that would enable action and unlock growth in others. 

This is when the first iteration of my process was born, which you can see below.

First iteration of the components of the process

This was a pivotal point for me, as it allowed me to focus all my efforts, development, and training into learning skills that would enhance my abilities in these three areas to help others extract massive value from this framework for their businesses.

As I continued my journey working with teams across different countries, industries, and organisations I continued to realise the potential for positive change that can be achieved through an aligned team with an inspiring vision can have. This alignment usually comes in the form of a clearly communicated strategy, crafted with the right tools for exploration of possibilities, definition of clear action plans, and testing of assumptions.

Applying this model over and over made me realise that its power lies in the intersections. It is in the intersections where theoretical knowledge on strategy, design thinking, and leadership, is converted into practical application of a defined plan executed through people to realise a collective purpose.

Second iteration with a focus on the intersections

Armed with this realisation, I doubled down in my pursuit of gaining greater understanding about human motivation, behavioural change, and decision-making, in the context of strategy design, change management, and scaling growth. The multiple tests, combinations, and re-combinations of ways to use different tools to achieve strategic outcomes resulted in a repeating pattern. No matter which individual templates or structures I used, as I continued to get results, I realised that a clear framework began to emerge as a constant across all engagements.

Combining all my experience and lessons learnt applying the earlier versions of the models, the result was a simple four-step process that systematically helps you explore your Present Situation (where you evaluate your operational context), define the Lasting Success you seek for your business evolution (where you design your business strategy), develop Advising Guidelines to focus your efforts (where you identify which processes, systems, and policies you need to create, modify, or eliminate), and create an action plan with clear Next Steps to make your vision a reality.

As a result, the framework puts you in the driver seat and results in a cohesive plan of action that is tailored to your specific situation. I named it the P.L.A.N. Framework based on the first letter of each of its components.

Present Situation

Start by getting a better understanding of your challenge and its current operational context.

Lasting Success

Assess viable options, define clear selection criteria, and identify the path that will maximise your chances of success.

Advising Guidelines

Define the rules to navigate challenges ahead and stay true to the new course of action.

Next Steps

All the planning in the world is useless unless you put it into action, learn from it, and iterate your approach.

Overview of the P.L.A.N. Framework

As I mentioned at the very beginning, my mission is to help you gain clarity on the way forward, confidence in your decisions, and control over the actions you choose to pursue and the results you get towards generating growth to dramatically improve your odds of success.

Let’s create a bright future for all. Let’s make your business a source of happiness to all who interact with it, starting with you

Let’s P.L.A.N.